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Random Subspace Method
The random subspace method (RSM) (Ho, 1998) is a relatively recent method of combining models. Learning machines are trained on randomly chosen subspaces of the original input space (i.e. the training set is sampled in the feature space). The outputs of the models are then combined, usually by a simple majority vote.
Seminal Paper
HO, Tin Kam, 1998. The random subspace method for constructing decision forests , IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , Volume 20, Issue 8 (Aug 1998), Pages 832-844. [Cited by 238 ] (28.82/year)
Abstract: "Much of previous attention on decision trees focuses on the splitting criteria and optimization of tree sizes. The dilemma between overfitting and achieving maximum accuracy is seldom resolved. A method to construct a decision tree based classifier is proposed that maintains highest accuracy on training data and improves on generalization accuracy as it grows in complexity. The classifier consists of multiple trees constructed systematically by pseudorandomly selecting subsets of components of the feature vector, that is, trees constructed in randomly chosen subspaces. The subspace method is compared to single-tree classifiers and other forest construction methods by experiments on publicly available datasets, where the method's superiority is demonstrated. We also discuss independence between trees in a forest and relate that to the combined classification accuracy."
ARNOLD, L., N.D. CONG and V.J. OSELEDEC, 1997. Jordan normal form for linear cocycles . math.uni-bremen.de. [Cited by 7 ] (0.76/year)
BAIDYK, T., E. KUSSUL and O. MAKEYEV, 2005. Texture recognition with random subspace neural classifier. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. [Cited by 2 ] (1.59/year)
BANFIELD, R.E., et al. , 2004. A Comparison of Ensemble Creation Techniques . The Fifth International Conference on Multiple Classifier …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.89/year)
BARVINOK, A., 2005. Integration and Optimization of Multivariate Polynomials by Restriction onto a Random Subspace . Arxiv preprint math.OC/0502298. [not cited] (0/year)
BERTONI, A., R. FOLGIERI and G. VALENTINI, Random subspace ensembles for the bio-molecular diagnosis of tumors . homes.dsi.unimi.it. [not cited] (?/year)
BERTONI, A., R. FOLGIERI and G. VALENTINI, 2005. Bio-molecular cancer prediction with random subspace ensembles of Support Vector Machines . Neurocomputing. [Cited by 4 ] (3.18/year)
CANDES, E. and T. TAO, 2005. Error correction via linear programming . Found. of Comp. Math. [Cited by 18 ] (14.32/year)
CHAWLA, N.V. and K.W. BOWYER, 2005. Random Subspaces and Subsampling for 2-D Face Recognition . Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.80/year)
CHAWLA, N.V. and K.W. BOWYER, 2005. Ensembles in face recognition: tackling the extremes of high dimensionality, temporality, and … . Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2005 IEEE International …. [not cited] (0/year)
CHEN, L. and M.S. KAMEL, Lecture notes in computer science. Design of Multiple Classifier Systems for Time Series Data . [Cited by 1 ] (?/year)
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CRAWFORD, M.M., et al. , 2003. Random forests of binary hierarchical classifiers for analysis of hyperspectral data . Advances in Techniques for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data, …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.61/year)
CUNNINGHAM, P. and J. CARNEY, LNCS-European Conference on Machine Learning. Diversity versus quality in classification ensembles based on feature selection . [Cited by 53 ] (?/year)
DACHENG, T.A.O., et al. , sign. Stable Third-Order Tensor Representation for Colour Image Classification . [not cited] (?/year)
DIETTERICH, T.G., 2002. Ensemble learning . The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. [Cited by 24 ] (5.64/year)
DUCH…, W., Evaluating Performance of Random Subspace Classifier on ELENA Classification Database . Springer. [not cited] (?/year)
FISCHER, S. and H. BUNKE, Proc. Second International Workshop on Machine Learning and …. Automatic Identification of Diatoms Using Decision Forests . [Cited by 2 ] (?/year)
G?NTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2005. Off-line cursive handwriting recognition using multiple classifier systems?on the influence of … . Optics and Lasers in Engineering. [not cited] (0/year)
GLUSKIN, E.D., 1986. The octahedron is badly approximated by random subspaces . Functional Analysis and Its Applications. [Cited by 3 ] (0.15/year)
GUDMUNDSSON, T.T., et al. , 1996. Applications of small-sample statistical condition estimation incontrol . Computer-Aided Control System Design, 1996., Proceedings of …. [not cited] (0/year)
GUERRA-SALCEDO, C. and D. WHITLEY, 1999. Genetic approach to feature selection for ensemble creation . GECCO-99: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary …. [Cited by 24 ] (3.31/year)
GUERRA-SALCEDO, C. and D. WHITLEY, 2000. Feature Selection Mechanisms for Ensemble Creation: A Genetic Search Perspective . DNA. [Cited by 24 ] (3.84/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, Creation of classifier ensembles for handwritten word recognition using feature selection algorithms . ieeexplore.ieee.org. [Cited by 10 ] (?/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2002. Generating classifier ensembles from multiple prototypes and its application to handwriting … . Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on multiple …. [Cited by 4 ] (0.94/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2003. Off-line Cursive Handwriting Recognition-On the Influence of Training Set and Vocabulary Size in … . Proc. of the 11th Conference of the International …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.31/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2004. An evaluation of ensemble methods in handwritten word recognition based on feature selection . Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the …. [not cited] (0/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2004. Handwritten Word Recognition Using Classifier Ensembles Generated from Multiple Prototypes . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.44/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2004. Off-line Cursive Handwriting Recognition Using Multiple Classifier Systems-On the Influence of … . Optics and Lasers in Engineering. [Cited by 1 ] (0.44/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2004. Ensembles of Classifiers Derived from Multiple Prototypes and Their Application to Handwriting … . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [not cited] (0/year)
GUNTER, S. and H. BUNKE, 2004. Evaluation of Classical and Novel Ensemble Methods for Handwritten Word Recognition . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [not cited] (0/year)
HACID…, M.S., Feature Selection for Ensembles of Simple Bayesian Classifiers . Springer. [not cited] (?/year)
HALL, L.O., et al. , Comparing Pure Parallel Ensemble Creation Techniques Against Bagging . ieeexplore.ieee.org. [Cited by 7 ] (?/year)
HAM, J., et al. , 2005. Investigation of the random forest framework for classification of hyperspectral data . Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on. [Cited by 5 ] (3.98/year)
HO, T.K., 1998. The random subspace method for constructing decision forests . Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions …. [Cited by 238 ] (28.82/year)
HO, T.K., 1998. C4. 5 decision forests . … , 1998. Proceedings. Fourteenth International Conference on. [Cited by 13 ] (1.57/year)
HO, T.K., 1998. ?The Random Subspace Method for Constructing Decision Forests. ? IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. [Cited by 1 ] (0.12/year)
INDEXING, C. and N. INDEXING, A random subspace method with automatic dimensionality selection for hyperspectral image … . ieeexplore.ieee.org. [not cited] (?/year)
JAKSIC, V. and Y. LAST, Scattering from Subspace Potentials for Schrodinger Operators on Graphs . mpej.unige.ch. [not cited] (?/year)
JIANG, W., et al. , 2004. Relevance feedback using random subspace method . Circuits and Systems, 2004. ISCAS'04. Proceedings of the …. [not cited] (0/year)
JIN, A.T.B. and J.A.K. LAMA, Cancellable Biometrics and Multispace Random Projections . doi.ieeecomputersociety.org. [not cited] (?/year)
KO, A.H.R., R. SABOURIN and A. DE, 2006. Evolving ensemble of classifiers in random subspace . Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and …. [not cited] (0/year)
KONG, H., et al. , 2006. Ensemble LDA for Face Recognition . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [not cited] (0/year)
KUNCHEVA, L.I., et al. , 2001. Complexity of Data Subsets Generated by the Random Subspace Method: An Experimental Investigation . Multiple Classifier Systems. Second International Workshop, …. [Cited by 5 ] (0.95/year)
KUO, B., et al. , 2005. A Random Subspace Method with Automatic Dimensionality Selection for Hyperspectral Image …. INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM. [not cited] (0/year)
KUO, B.C., et al. , 2004. Hyperspectral data classification using classifier overproduction and fusion strategies . Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS'04. …. [not cited] (0/year)
KUSSUL, E., et al. , 2001. Rosenblatt perceptrons for handwritten digit recognition . Neural Networks, 2001. Proceedings. IJCNN'01. International …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.38/year)
KUSSUL, E., D. RACHKOVSKIJ and D. WUNSCH, 1999. The random subspace coarse coding scheme for real-valued vectors . Neural Networks, 1999. IJCNN'99. International Joint …. [Cited by 5 ] (0.69/year)
KUSSUL, E.M., D.A. RACHKOVSKIJ and D. WUNSCH, 1999. The Random Subspace coarse coding scheme for real-valued vectors In: Proceedings of the …. Washington, DC, July. [Cited by 3 ] (0.41/year)
LAI, C., M.J.T. REINDERS and L. WESSELS, Random Subspace Method for multivariate feature selection . ict.ewi.tudelft.nl. [not cited] (?/year)
LITVAK, A. and N. TOMCZAK-JAEGERMANN, preprint. Random aspects of high-dimensional convex bodies . [Cited by 6 ] (?/year)
LONKE, Y., 2000. On Random Sections of the Cube . Discrete and Computational Geometry. [Cited by 4 ] (0.64/year)
LU, X. and A.K. JAIN, International Conference On Audio-And Video-Based Biometric …. Resampling for Face Recognition . [Cited by 11 ] (?/year)
MAKEYEV, O. and U. KYIV, IMAGE RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR MICRODEVICE ASSEMBLY Baidyk T., Kussul E., CCADET, UNAM, Cd. … . actapress.com. [not cited] (?/year)
MAKEYEV, O., 2003. Neural interpolator for image recognition in the process of microdevice assembly . Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the International …. [not cited] (0/year)
MASIP, D., M. BRESSAN and J. VITRIA, log. Classifier combination applied to real time face detection and classification . [Cited by 1 ] (?/year)
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MITRA, S. and M. SAVVIDES, Using Feature Combination and Statistical Resampling for Accurate Face Recognition Based on … . doi.ieeecomputersociety.org. [not cited] (?/year)
MUNRO, R., D. LER and J. PATRICK, 2003. Meta-Learning Orthographic and Contextual Models for Language Independent Named Entity Recognition . Proceedings of CoNLL-2003. [Cited by 4 ] (1.23/year)
NEGOITA…, M.G., Random Independent Subspace for Face Recognition . Springer. [not cited] (?/year)
NIELSEN, J., 1998. The Distribution of Volume Reduction Induced by Isotropic Projections . Advances in Applied Probability. [not cited] (0/year)
OZA…, N.C., Using Domain Knowledge in the Random Subspace Method: Application to the Classification of … . Springer. [not cited] (?/year)
PEARLMAN, J.S., et al. , 2003. Analysis of forest environments-classification as a metric of hyperspectral instrument performance . Advances in Techniques for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data, …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.31/year)
PRANCKEVICIENE, E., R. BAUMGARTNER and R. SOMORJAI, Lecture notes in computer science. Using domain knowledge in the random subspace method: Application to the classification of … . [not cited] (?/year)
REGEV, O. and R. ROSEN, 2006. Lattice problems and norm embeddings . Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM symposium on …. [Cited by 1 ] (2.64/year)
ROONEY, N., et al. , Random subspacing for regression ensembles . cs.tcd.ie. [not cited] (?/year)
RUDELSON, M. and R. VERSHYNIN, 2005. Geometric approach to error correcting codes and reconstruction of signals . Available from arXiv: math. MG/0502299, Feb. [Cited by 20 ] (15.91/year)
SKURICHINA, M. and R.P.W. DUIN, Limited Bagging, Boosting and the Random Subspace Method for Linear Classifiers . citeseer.ist.psu.edu. [not cited] (?/year)
SKURICHINA, M. and R.P.W. DUIN, … Systems (Proceedings Second International Workshop MCS 2001 …. Bagging and the random subspace method for redundant feature spaces . [Cited by 21 ] (?/year)
SKURICHINA, M. and R.P.W. DUIN, 2002. Bagging, Boosting and the Random Subspace Method for Linear Classifiers . Pattern Analysis & Applications. [Cited by 44 ] (10.34/year)
SKURICHINA, M. and R.P.W. DUIN, Lecture notes in computer science. Combining Feature Subsets in Feature Selection . [Cited by 1 ] (?/year)
SKURICHINA, M. and R.P.W. DUIN, Multiple Classifier Systems (Proceedings First International …. Boosting in linear discriminant analysis . [Cited by 8 ] (?/year)
SMOLKIN, M. and D. GHOSH, 2003. Cluster stability scores for microarray data in cancer studies . BMC Bioinformatics. [Cited by 11 ] (3.38/year)
SMOLKIN, M. and D. GHOSH, 2003. BMC Bioinformatics . BMC Bioinformatics. [not cited] (0/year)
SUN, S. and C. ZHANG, 2005. Using a Random Subspace Predictor to Integrate Spatial and Temporal Information for Traffic Flow … . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [not cited] (0/year)
TAO, D. and X. TANG, 2004. SVM-based relevance feedback using random subspace method . Multimedia and Expo, 2004. ICME'04. 2004 IEEE International …. [not cited] (0/year)
TAO, D. and X. TANG, lip;. Random sampling based SVM for relevance feedback image retrieval . Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004. &h. [Cited by 7 ] (?/year)
TAO, D., et al. , 2005. Stable Third-Order Tensor Representation for Color Image Classification . Web Intelligence, 2005. Proceedings. The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM …. [not cited] (0/year)
TAO, D., et al. , 2006. Asymmetric bagging and random subspace for support vector machines-based relevance feedback in image … . IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell. [not cited] (0/year)
TATYANA, B. and K. ERNST, 2002. Application of neural classifier for flat image recognition in theprocess of microdevice assembly . Neural Networks, 2002. IJCNN'02. Proceedings of the 2002 …. [Cited by 2 ] (0.47/year)
TOPCHY, A., A.K. JAIN and W. PUNCH, 2003. Combining multiple weak clusterings . Data Mining, 2003. ICDM 2003. Third IEEE International …. [Cited by 26 ] (7.98/year)
TREMBLAY, G., R. SABOURIN and P. MAUPIN, 2004. Optimizing nearest neighbour in random subspaces using a multi-objective genetic algorithm . Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.44/year)
TSYMBAL, A. and S. PUURONEN, 2002. Ensemble feature selection with the simple Bayesian classification in medical diagnostics . Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2002.(CBMS 2002). …. [Cited by 5 ] (1.17/year)
TSYMBAL, A., S. PUURONEN and D. PATTERSON, 2002. Feature Selection for Ensembles of Simple Bayesian Classifiers . Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on …. [Cited by 6 ] (1.41/year)
WANG, X. and X. TANG, 2004. Using random subspace to combine multiple features for face recognition . Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2004. Proceedings. …. [not cited] (0/year)
WANG, X. and X. TANG, 2004. Experimental Study on Multiple LDA Classifier Combination for High Dimensional Data Classification . LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. [not cited] (0/year)
WANG, X. and X. TANG, 2005. Subspace analysis using random mixture models . Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. …. [Cited by 1 ] (0.80/year)
WANG, X. and X. TANG, 2006. Random Sampling for Subspace Face Recognition . International Journal of Computer Vision. [not cited] (0/year)
WANG, X. and X. TANG, lip;. Random sampling LDA for face recognition . Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004. &h. [Cited by 22 ] (?/year)
WILLIS, C.J., 2004. Hyperspectral image classification with limited training data samples using feature subspaces . Proceedings of SPIE. [not cited] (0/year)
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YUANG, C.T., et al. , 2005. Multi-space random mapping for speaker identification . IEICE Electronics Express. [not cited] (0/year)
ZHANG, X. and Y. JIA, Lecture notes in computer science. Face recognition based on local steerable feature and random subspace LDA . [not cited] (?/year)
ZHORA, D., Lecture notes in computer science. Evaluating performance of random subspace classifier on ELENA classification database . [not cited] (?/year)
ZHORA, D.V., 2004. Financial forecasting using random subspace classifier . Neural Networks, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International …. [Cited by 3 ] (1.33/year)
ZHORA, D.V., lip;. Data preprocessing for stock market forecasting using random subspace classifier network . Neural Networks, 2005. IJCNN'05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE &h. [not cited] (?/year)
ZHOU, Z.H. and Y. YU, 2005. Ensembling local learners ThroughMultimodal perturbation . Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, IEEE Transactions on. [Cited by 1 ] (0.80/year)